Winter's Moon

Winter's Moon

Thursday, April 8, 2010

We Call It Cannabis, but what the hell, eh?

"Herb? Herb is a plant. Herb is so good for everything..."                                The Honorable Robert Nesta Marley

We live in a world of illusions. Seems like a simple enough statement. However, only upon closer inspection is it at all possible to realize the ramifications of the statement itself.

With respect to illusions and ganja, for a period of almost four generations a campaign of misinformation has been propagated against the herb in the United States and around the world. Through the use of this misinformation, genuine fear was created with respect to ganja and its effects. This fear has led to the management of a war against a simple weed. A war that is in no way logical, economical or truthful.

As unfortunate as it is that we as a people find ourselves entrenched in this battle to free ganja, it is only through wisdom and enlightenment that there is any chance to combat the vast ignorance that continues to fight against the personal freedom needed to truly free ganja.

Here at Ganja Outpost, our intention is to not only provide like-minded individuals with high quality marijuana inspired products and good tales from Skip's exciting past, but also to provide some interestingly enlightening comments on the positive aspects of ganja. We hope that in doing so we can promote a higher degree of awareness with respect to the truth surrounding the history, misinformation and truth of the herb.

We invite you to explore the following pages that try to shed some light on the gift that is Ganja.

Dear Readers, please do not assume that you understand anything you read on this blog.