Winter's Moon

Winter's Moon

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Second Coming.....

......third, forth or 5th.......
In the late middle of the 20th century,

Christian Time,

there was a happening.

Something quite real and even more misunderstood.

The world over a new spirituality was being born, 

a worldwide Communion of  Peace.

Seeds were planted; 

seeds which would lead, eventually and inevitably to "The 9 Holy Ideas,"
all of which lead to Holy Unity,

These Ideas are:
Holy Love, Perfection, Will, Harmony, Origin, Omniscience, Strength, Wisdom, and Truth.

If we can understand just one of these ideas, we will know reality and Holy Unity.

We will touch the face of God and know ourselves.

Dear Readers, please do not assume that you understand anything you read on this blog. Written here is the language of spirit.